Monday, October 15, 2012

Son's Book of the Week: The Crane Wife

Front Cover
Picture grabbed from Google

Coming home from school, my son was so excited to bring home from the school library this book called " The Crane Wife" by Odds Bodkin. At first, I was so curious as to why my son picked up this book from the shelf, he stated that " he loved the book cover and the snow" BUT little did he know that the book was about making promises & also teaches about not to be greedy.

The same night, I sat down and read him the book. My son did not seem interested at first, he was pretty much just glancing thru the pictures and said he wanted to return it. I told him to just give this story a chance and listen, and so he did and thank goodness he did.

My son and I enjoyed this book tremendously, and I would love for your kid(s) to give this book a read one day.

Brief description of the book:

When Osamu, a lonely sail maker, nurses an injured crane one blustery night, he never suspects that this simple act of kindness will change his life forever.
This retelling of a traditional Japanese folktale teaches readers young or old a lesson about life and love.  (grabbed from Amazon)

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